Masoneilan 535H-536H Pressure Regulator for Reducing, Back Pressure and Differential Service
The Masoneilan Model 535H / 536H pressure regulators from Baker Hughes are designed to provide accurate reduced pressures of air, liquid, saturated and superheated steam. They are available in sizes ¾", 1", 1 ½" and 2" with full area and reduced trim to handle the small-to-moderate flow applications where IEC 60534-4/ANSI/FCI 70.2 Class IV or VI shut-off is required.
For temperatures over the rating of the diaphragm material, the regulator must be mounted with the actuator below the centerline of the regulator body. The diaphragm will be protected from the high temperature by a condensate barrier in the sensing line and actuator diaphragm case. If installed otherwise, an adequate condensate barrier must be incorporated. Consult factory for more information.
- Pressure Reducing 535H
- Differential Pressure Reducing 535H-50
- Back Pressure 536H
- Differential Back Pressure 536H-50
Steam, Gas, Liquids
Type : High Capacity Globe Flow Direction: Flow-to-Open
Type : Bolted, Standard Bolted, Extension - Optional/p>
Body and Bonnet
Materials : Carbon Steel 316, Stainless Steel,
Chrome-Molybdenum Steel
Plug Type : Disc
Seat Ring : Threaded or Quick Change
Guide : Heavy Top Guided
Capacity : Full Area, Reduced Capacity in All Sizes
Characteristic : Quick Opening
Type : 10900 Series