Jacksonville, Florida (March 26, 2019)
A long history of best-in-class products, along with a great network of sales channel partners deep in industry expertise, have established Becker Control Valves and Mooney Regulators as two well recognized products in the North America Natural Gas Pipeline and Distribution market. The March 2019 issue of Pipeline & Gas Journal features an article titled Over Pressure Protection for Natural Gas Distribution Systems that highlights the full range of industry options to prevent an over-pressure excursion. In this article, John Deveau, Senior Product Manager – Becker & Mooney, explains the various systems that the industry uses today to regulate pressure, and lays out the advantages and disadvantages of each of alternative to help users understand best practice options available today.
“Each region around the country has different requirements as they design their gas distribution systems.”, says John Deveau, “Local regulations, ageing pipelines, various feed pressures are all factors that impact the total system design. Many users are required to establish back-up redundancy to ensure maximum over-pressure protection, while others leverage the redundant components as working equipment to stage overall pressure reduction.” This article highlights the critical importance of the Becker and Mooney products, and helps the users to compare design philosophies that look at not only over-pressure protection, but also how to manage systems to ensure a minimum pressure is maintained to keep households running safely during any upset condition.
This article layouts a simple explanation describing how each system functions used by Becker and Mooney to provide our customers solutions that are SIMPLE, PROVEN, AND SAFE FOR OUR ENVIRONMENT. Our local network of channel partner application specialist are readily available to help users specify equipment or system designs as needed. To find your local channel partner, please follow this link to our channel finder page.
Check out the new publication in March 2019 edition of Pipeline & Gas Journal.
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